gift certificates
A great gift anytime, but especially during the Winter when local flowers are resting and flowers travel far or hothouse grown. To order your gift certificate please call.
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A personal note
In 2020, local organic flower farmer Liebe Patterson and I began collaborating. We had numerous flowers conversations: Her thoughtful planning, quest for special vigorous floral varietals, harmonious color sense are a joy. We share enthusiasm for the book “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer who writes intricately about the beauty of the natural world that we all share.
My dedicated web designer, my NEXTDOOR neighbor, Gigi Sorrentino can be reached at . We are both fond of Yoga, dogs and the Lord of the Rings.
Many thanks to my former web designer and friend, Bill Jacobsen. One of the first creators of the Internet, he is more interested in the Web of life: Bill is a Coho salmon protector, Grandfather, gardener and a truly unique artist.
Additional credit due:
Hildegard of Bingen, 2nd century mystic of the Germany’s Rhine Valley
Artist William Morris and English gardens
“The Language of the Goddess” by archeologist Marija Gimbutas
My gratitude to the San Francisco Flower Market as it grows and changes.
Photo credit, front page: ; ;
My husband is a rock: his work ethic is epic. My big family made me think that everybody is a potential friend. My friendship with my brother, our Mt. Tam explorations and native plants discoveries feed my soul.